30 Things To Know By Age 30

(I’m 29 but close enough.)

  1. Listicles are super obnoxious.
  2. There’s a little hook on the inside of your gas tank door to hang your gas cap on.
  3. Dryer vents need to be cleaned out periodically to prevent fire.
  4. There’s no such thing as Hell. I promise you, there isn’t. Except for maybe the fundamental religion you grew up in that told you there was.
  5. It’s okay to walk out of a job interview. If it’s not a good fit you can tell them that. Also you get to ask as many questions as you want.
  6. Your gut instinct is always correct! Always! Don’t question it!
  7. Not everyone is going to like you, and it’s ok! Every stupid “30 by 30” list says this but it’s TRUE!
  8. You’re going to know at least one person who ends up in prison who is the least likely person you ever thought would end up in prison.
  9. Everyone around you has impostor syndrome.
  10. Google is your best friend at work! Of course you should always be able to ask questions. A toxic work environment is having a boss who gets mad when you ask questions. But you should always try to figure it out first before asking for help.
  11. A fun way to save money is to learn how to cut/color your own hair and give yourself your own professional manicures! It’s easier than it sounds! Youtube is your friend!
  12. Another fun way to save money is to learn how to do auto body work on your own car. I’ve replaced and painted a side mirror, tail light and my entire rear bumper. It’s nuts how cheap and easy it is to do on your own. I love the DYI-from-watching-Youtube life.
  13. Always date the men who love to cook. Dating for free food is a financial strategy.
  14. Get an automatic coffeemaker. Keep it in your bedroom. As long as you remember to set it up the night before, you will have fresh coffee to drink before you even leave your bed. Not quite as good as having an IV drip of caffeine but it’s the next closest thing.
  15. Put your coffee in a travel mug for the shower.
  16. Learn to set boundaries. Set boundaries with your relatives. Set boundaries with your in-laws. Set boundaries with your friends.
  17. There’s a good chance you’ll attend more funerals than weddings in your 20’s.
  18. Weddings are exhausting and super overrated. There’s a good chance you’ll end up divorced. There’s a good chance you’ll be happier never getting married.
  19. It’s okay if your relationship doesn’t look like other peoples’ relationships. I live down the street from my boyfriend of five years and we probably won’t get married and I like it.
  20. Life is pretty much just constantly adjusting your expectations.
  21. Travel as much as you can. Solo road trips are the best! Airbnb is the best! Just know that it’s almost impossible to find alcohol in Utah.
  22. Way more people do cocaine and have DUIs than you ever want to know about.
  23. The older you get the more you enjoy learning. Our prefrontal cortex isn’t fully developed until age 25. Maybe we shouldn’t start college immediately after turning 18.
  24. Moisturize!!!! Especially if you have oily skin. Sounds counterproductive but it actually helps.
  25. Having a skincare routine is really important but the only one you need is simple: wash off your makeup and moisturize before bed. Put sunscreen on your face every morning. Drink lots of water!
  26. You don’t have to spend every second of your life being “productive.” Productivity is a capitalist lie. Your worth is not based on your accomplishments.
  27. Creativity is a life source. Even if you don’t think you’re good at art or dancing or writing or whatever it is do it any way. You’ll be happier, mentally healthier, more relaxed and aware.
  28. Always stretch before attempting yoga in your living room. Don’t throw out your hip like I did.
  29. Listen to your body, because your body listens to you.
  30. Don’t take lists telling you how to live your life too seriously. You do you.

Originally posted on Medium.com. Follow me on Medium where I live now.